Sunday, November 29, 2020

Raise Your Kids

Get down here and grow up and you can get some too.

Go to work and pay your bills

and do the dishes and clean the cat box.

Dream and sleep and wake up and work out

and make the coffee and fill up the car.

Go to the movies and laugh a little.

Drink too much beer and too much wine.

Get a belly and have the doc scold you once a year.

Have the conversation about dinner every day

and make sure to buy eggs and decide about the paint color.

Get an acre and get a riding mower.

Get a breakfast nook and get some bar stools.

It's all yours.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

One Ton Angel

I've got this one ton angel
who says, “It’s up to you.”
And I say, “That’s no help.
What kind of angel are you?”

“The worst,” he says.

“Get out of here angel!”

I bring the match up and light
the whole brown earth of Kentucky
on fire and suck it down and breath it out
and feel like I shouldn’t.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Something Wise

You’re growing up in the future.
A future of
and plastic
and maidens
waiting for roses
and others
waiting for justice.

I’m scared
and I’m proud
and I’m sorry
that we left things this way
for you.

Beauty and wit
and stories and
some from your mother
another bit from me
and you’ll do fine

If I had to say
something wise
it’d be this,
“Apologize only for what you do,
and not for who you are.”

But remember,
we’re the ones
who got you into this mess.